War Vets Motorcycle Club

About Us

Established July 4th 2016, The War Vets Motorcycle Club (WVMC) was formed by its original 8 members (First Squad) who came together after having worked as part of another national veterans organization. Their drive and determination to create a brotherhood oriented combat veteran motorcycle club is unsurpassed by other veteran groups by its rigorous screening process for prospective members and their dedication to their cause of serving their combat brothers from across all services and conflicts in our nation's history. The organization has since grown and now includes a Charleston SC chapter.
The WVMC is compromised of members from all Armed Forces Branches that have served our great nation during time of war. They work together alongside other Veterans organizations in the region to help assist in fundraising operations for the purpose of giving their fellow combat veterans a hand-up rather than a hand-out.
At the core of the WVMC membership is the love of motorcycles that is shared by all of its members who regularly take part in motorcycle rides & related activities as well as keeping their commitment to Family and their understanding of the importance it plays in each of our lives.